Pharmacie / LP PHARM04
1. Love & Medication
2. Wraith
3.The Clarity of Morning
4. Anything Chemical
5. Goodbye, Peace of Mind
6. Crooked Teeth
7. Everybody Wants To Talk About Mental Health
8. It's Never The Words You Say
9. Killers
10. A Pharmacy in Paris
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Pressing Information
2,150 x Vinyl 12" LP
- 400 x ogre green (Holy Roar - UK)
- 100 x grey/green (Holy Roar - UK) - SOLD OUT
- 250 x grey w/ green splatter (Uncle M - Germany)
- 900 x seafoam green (Uncle M - Germany)
- 400 x snot (Animal Style - USA)
- 100 x snot/white rabbit (Animal Style - USA)